ul. Abrahama 15, 84-230 Rumia

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Nonpharmacologic Treatment of Neuropathic Pain Using Frequency Specific Microcurrent. Carolyn Mcmakin


Frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) has been used
for 10 years by numerous practitioners in various
specialties (MDs, DCs, NDs, PTs) to treat myofascial
pain and neuropathic pain in clinical practice (1-3).
This retrospective analysis of patients treated for
neuropathic pain in the author’s clinic presents a collected
case report in patients treated for monoradicular pain, in
an effort to quantify the results produced with FSM
treatment of neuropathic pain. The proposed mechanisms
of peripheral neuropathic pain will be compared with the
data associated with dual-channel, frequency-modulated
microamperage current to suggest a model for how
frequency-modulated microamperage current could be
producing the observed results. Central neuropathic pain
from postthalamic stroke and phantom limb pain, and
peripheral diabetic neuropathies have been successfully
treated using this method, but those types of neuropathic
pain were excluded from this analysis.